
Beuren is a little village on the outskirts of the Swabian Alb mountain range.

Shops close early, around 6pm, but you might find stores that are open till 8pm in Neuffen, just 3km away.

Thermalbad / Hot Springs

We highly recommend the Hot Springs in Beuren. We have relaxed here more than a few times over the last years. If you have extra time available, pamper yourselves and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere. Don't forget your bathing suits!

Freilichtmuseum / Open-air Museum

Photo of open air museum

Review the more than 20 faithfully re-erected dwellings and commercial houses in the Open Air Museum village. The buildings were brought to Beuren from the middle of the Neckar area and the Swabian Highland.


Tübingen is well worth a visit. Its historical people and buildings, combined with its vibrant university and research achievements make it unique. Some facts:

Tübingen Market Place
  • Its 23222 students make Tübingen the "youngest" city in Germany.
  • Tübingen has just won a prize for the best environmental protection campaign in Germany.
  • South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu held the 8th Global Ethic lecture in Tübingen in June 2009 at the invitation of Hans Küng, who is a well-known theologian from Tübingen and co-founder of the Global Ethic Foundation.
  • Current President of Germany, Horst Köhler, studied politics and economics in Tübingen.
  • Pope Benedikt XVI taught catholic dogmatics at Tübingen University in 1966-1969.
  • Alois Alzheimer lived in Tübingen as a student. In 1906 he described the disease named after him for the first time at a meeting for physicians.
  • Friedrich Miescher from Basel in 1869 discovered nucleic acid (DNA) in the kitchen of Tübingen's Castle.