Empfang / Reception

Anfahrt / Directions

From the Church (15 minutes drive + 15-20 minutes walk)

Here is a description of the route: Return to the main road in Beuren. Coming from the "Thermalbad", drive down the hill. Follow signs to "Owen". You will pass through the tunnel. After exiting tunnel, watch for a sign reading "Erkenbrechtsweiler" or "Burg Hohenneuffen", and turn right.
Follow the road up the hill for about 6 minutes. At the top, stay on the road and drive through "Erkenbrechtsweiler" (stick to 50km speed limit!). Soon after exiting the village, turn right at the sign "Burg Hohenneuffen". Follow the winding road until you see a parking lot. The parking lot is often full, but before you pass the sign, you will see an area to the left with ample space to park your car. Großansicht / Larger View

From Owen / Autobahn exit Kirchheim/Teck Ost

Follow the signs to Beuren. Before passing through the tunnel, turn left at a sign reading "Erkenbrechtsweiler" or "Burg Hohenneuffen". Continue with second half of directions above.

Users of SatNav electronic navigation systems

Please enter "Town: Erkenbrechtsweiler 73268, Street: Weileräckerstr" in your system and follow the sign to "Burg Hohenneuffen" once you are in Erkenbrechtsweiler (or, before you enter Erkenbrechtsweiler, if coming directly from Neuffen).

Sunday breakfast for all out-of-towners, enter "Town: Tübingen, Street: Wöhrdstr. 11". This will lead you to the parking garage. The breakfast itself is in "Ludwig's" (map).

By foot from the Church (45 minutes)

We have walked this route ourselves and can highly recommend it! From the Church, walk left down "Härtenbühlstr." and turn right into "Beethovenstr.". Simply follow the road all the way until you reach "Hohenneuffenstr." and turn right. The road will fork and you should keep left. Walk on the footpath over the orchards, following the signs to "Burg Hohenneuffen". At one point it might seem like you are walking away from the Fort, but don't worry, further up the path will turn right again. After a while you should enter a forest. The trail will lead you to a point half-way between the car parking lot and the fort. You will see a lot of people walking there. Just turn to the right and walk up. Contact us if you'd like a map.