Hochzeitsliste / Gift Registry
[de] Uns gefällt der Gedanke, persönliche Geschenke zu erhalten - andererseits möchten wir Umstände mit dem Transport der Geschenke vermeiden, bis wir eine eigene Wohnung haben. Daher unser Vorschlag: Ein persönliches Geschenk kann in unserer Hochzeitsliste ausgesucht werden, und wir kaufen es sobald wir zusammengezogen sind. Wir werden jeden einzelnen einladen und "euer" Geschenk vorführen! Der finanzielle Beitrag zum Geschenk kann mitgebracht oder überwiesen werden.
[en] Like many people, we enjoy the idea of receiving 'personal' gifts and being able to associate them with the friends they came from. On the same note, we recognise the impracticalities of invading the Hohenneuffen Fortress whilst carrying potentially heavy packages. Furthermore, there will be the storage and transportation between Germany and Switzerland that would be required (as we will only be moving in together by next year). Therefore, we are asking that should you wish to contribute any personal gifts, these may be chosen from our gift registry, and we will buy your gift once we have moved in together. Your financial contribution may be brought to the reception or transferred by wire (ask Thomas for details). We will make it a point to invite everyone to our new home and make use of your gift in the process!
[en] Instructions on how to select and reserve an item on the gift registry website
Please use your real name as login to the site, so we know who the gift is from!- Select the 2nd tab : Liste der Wünsche
- Type in your first name under Dein Vorname and your last name under Dein Nachname. (When typing in your name, we will be able to recognize the gift you have selected.)
- A list of items is displayed on the next screen. The approximate price is displayed under Preis. Should the gift have Gewünscht displayed, this means that the gift can be divided into parts. For example, a gift with price 100 Euros, may be broken into 4 parts (Gewünscht : 4 Anteile).
- After selection of the gift, select either (1) Reservieren, in order to reserve the gift, or (2) select the number of parts of the gift to which you wish to contribute in the blank field, and select Anteil(e) reservieren.
- The message von Dir reserviert is now displayed on the item.
- If you wish to deselect this item and choose another item, you may select Reservierung Stornieren, and begin steps 3-5 again.
Hilfe / Assistance
[en] If you require assistance with navigating through the German website, feel free to contact our friend Thomas Bekmann, at Thomas@MichaelandJessica.info or telephone +49 (0)221 8011817. For those outside of Europe, please be mindful of the GMT time zone.
Users of Firefox may download a useful translation tool, which immediately translates any text you mark on the registry site. Inline Translator
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