Empfang / Reception

Die Burg / The Fortress

Photograph of Fortress Hohenneuffen

[de] In ihrer ältesten Form ist die Burg ca. 900 Jahre alt. Sie ist angeblich die größte in Süddeutschland und steht 743m ü.M. Im Ritterstüble des Restaurants trafen sich 1948 die Minister von Südbaden, Württemberg-Hohenzollern und Württemberg Baden um den Zusammenschluss in Baden-Württemberg zu besprechen.
Weitere Informationen.

[en] The Fortress, in its earliest incarnation, is approximately 900 years old. In fact, you will be entering the ruins of what was once a fortress. Do stroll around the courtyard, enjoy the view in all directions. It is the biggest fortress in South Germany at 743m above sea level. Inside the building, you will find a little room to the left where after WW2 in 1948, the three Ministers of the South-West German countries of Südbaden, Württemberg-Hohenzollern and Württemberg Baden met to discuss their unification into what would later become the province of Baden-Württemberg.
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