[en] Breakfast
For those out-of-towners attending the Sunday morning breakfast in Tübingen, we have put together some directions. We will leave Beuren at 9h30 and arrive shortly after 10am, but you are welcome to go there earlier if you are hungry! You are welcome to stay up to 2pm, by which time we will be leaving.
Address: Ludwigs.Hotel Krone Tübingen
Uhlandstrasse 1
72070 Tübingen
Telefon: 0 70 71 - 13 31 21
Description from Beuren: Follow signs to Balzholz >> Neuffen >> Metzingen >> Reutlingen >> Tübingen (once on the B28, stay on this road until you enter Tübingen). About 1km into Tübingen, follow a sign to "Zentrum", leading over the railway tracks. 20m past the traffic lights you will see a sign to a parking garage on the right, turn right and enter the parking garage.
Satnav users: "Town: Tübingen, Street: Wöhrdstr. 11". This will lead you to the parking garage. The breakfast itself is within walking distance" (map).
Description: As you walk out of the parking garage, turn to your right. Walk up to a pedestrian crossing, cross the road (Bridge over river Neckar is to your right). Walk to your left past Hotel Krone and you will see Ludwigs (large glass windows). The breakfast is on the first floor.