Kirchliche Trauung / Church Service

Musik / Music

[de] Das Singen wird ein wichtiges Element unserer Traufeier sein. Wir wünschen uns, dass alle unsere Lieblingslieder mitsingen. Da nicht jeder die Lieder kennt, bieten wir sie zum download an. Somit könnt ihr vorher schon mal reinhören, um euch mit den Liedern bekanntzumachen.

[en] At the center of our life together is our Heavenly Father. Most especially on our wedding day, we intend to give full praise and worship back to Him for all His rich mercies and blessings over us. Thus, music will be a very important element in our wedding ceremony. We wish our family and friends to join us in singing our most favourite Christian songs during the service. Should you not be familiar with any of the songs, please find below the links to the videos.

Hymn : As The Deer Pants (download mp3)

Song of Praise : Amazing Love (download mp3)

Song of Praise : You Are My All In All (download mp3)

Hymn : How Great is Our God (download mp3)

Hymn : The Lord Bless You and Keep You(Nur Chor / choir only) (download mp3)